Remote.send log errors

I’m getting the below error message in my log related to how I setup the buttons for my remotes. Can someone take a look at the code and tell me what I need to do to fix it? Thanks.

Not passing an entity ID to a service to target all entities is deprecated. Update your call to remote.send_command to be instead: entity_id: all

  - data:
      command: PowerToggle
      device: '32609430'
    entity_id: remote.harmony_hub
      value: /local/icons/tivo_icons/power_toggle.ico
      row: 1
      value: PowerToggle
    service: remote.send_command
  - data:
      command: TiVo
      device: '32609430'
    entity_id: remote.harmony_hub
      value: /local/icons/tivo_icons/ps_tivo_logo.ico
      row: 1
      value: TiVo
    service: remote.send_command

Is this a Button card? Tiles Card?

You are calling the remote.send_command service but telling it what to send.

For example here is a section of one of my tiles cards:

  - column: 1
    row: 1
      value: 'mdi:power-cycle'
      value: 'On'
    entity: script.lounge_tv_on

and the script looks like this:

    service: remote.send_command
      entity_id: remote.lounge_tv
      command: "ON"

Note the data under the service. Your service needs to look like this:

    service: remote.send_command
      command: PowerToggle
      device: '32609430'

I’m not sure why you have that data elsewhere in the card. It would help if I knew what sort of card it was.

This is the tiles card. I based it off of your setup. My example of code is for two buttons in the tiles card

You’ve mangled the format a bit and missed some key: value pairs. The format should be along these lines:

type: 'custom:tiles-card'
  - row: 1
    column: 1 ### You missed this
    entity_id: remote.harmony_hub
      value: TiVo
      value: /local/icons/tivo_icons/ps_tivo_logo.ico
    service: remote.send_command
      device: '32609430'
      command: TiVo

I’m not 100% sure the tiles card can include data with the service (I use scripts, as I posted above). I had a look at the docs. I think it can.
The order of the key : value pairs is not important (home assistant will alpha-bastardise it if you are not using yaml mode) - but the structure is important. Pay close attention to the indentation.

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Ugh. Fixing the identation on the entity_id fixes it for me. Thanks for the help!