I built a thermostat based on an Esp32 that I use to heat a detached garage to keep just above freezing (most commercial thermostats limit the lowest temperature setting). The Esp32 supports a Web server that allows me to turn the heat on/off and set the setpoint temperature via a web browser. I would like to move these functions to HA which I could probably do with MQTT. I want the thermostat to continue to control the temperature not HA, but to to use HA to turn on/off and set the temperature. My problem/question is that I want to use one of the available Thermostat Cards for a visually appealing dashboard presentation. I’m fairly new to HA and it seems all of the existing thermostat cards are climate dependent? I’m not sure how to proceed…
Thanks for any suggestions.

Getting Started with ESPHome and Home Assistant
Getting Started guide for installing ESPHome Dashboard as a Home Assistant add-on and creating a basic configuration.