Reboot helped.
Home assistant was working locally and nabu casa link worked as well from home network. But outside home network I again saw ssl issue.
That should not be the case actually.
Anyone seem to resolve this? I regularly get disconnected from the Remote UI. I am seeing similar messages to @Argo in my logs. If I login to manage my account I can reconnect the remote UI and everything goes back to normal until it gets disconnected. I haven’t been able to pinpoint the disconnect to a single event.
Users can add this to their logger integration and share logs along with installation details (HA version and everything else from the info page under “System Health”.
default: info
hass_nabucasa: debug
snitun: debug
I’m having this issue as well. I’ve setup another instance of Home Assistant to test with logging enabled for hass_nabucasa and snitun. When I enable “Remote Control” from the UI, this is what I’m seeing in the logs repeating over and over:
2019-12-08 13:18:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [hass_nabucasa.remote] Don't need refresh snitun token
2019-12-08 13:18:00 ERROR (MainThread) [snitun.client.client_peer] Challenge/Response error with SniTun server
2019-12-08 13:18:00 ERROR (MainThread) [hass_nabucasa.remote] Connection problem to snitun server
I’m running both my dedicated RPi 3 and test instance of HA without any sort of scanning/decryption/etc. on my firewall to rule out any networking issues. I’m also having no issues using web hooks with Nabu Casa.
SniTun server create a SHA256 from a random 40bit value. They will be encrypted and send to client. This decrypt the value and perform again a SHA256 with this value and send it encrypted back to SniTun. If they is valid, he going into Multiplexer modus.
Specifically, where it’s failing in the code is during the try: block in
Maybe you have an issue with your local crypto backend.
Can you use the docker image: homeassistant/raspberrypi3-homeassistant:0.102.3. If they work with this image, you need reinstall your local setup. Please make sure that you run min Python 3.7
I think I figured it out - it appears to be something with my firewall (Sophos XG). There’s two features specifically that appear to cause this issue, “Advanced threat protection” and when using any web policy that utilizes the Deep Packet Inspection (DPI), which I believe is just using the Snort IDS/IPS. While I isolated Home Assistant to its own firewall rule with no policies, the Advanced threat protection is a “common” setting that applies to all connections. Sure enough, when I disable it, everything appears to work fine. I’m trying to get more information on what Advanced threat protection is exactly doing but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s using the same DPI engine to perform its functions.
The frustrating part is nothing shows up in the Sophos XG logs, so it appears nothing is wrong but obviously something is. So now I’m sort of stuck with a choice, do I want to keep Advanced threat protection on my network enabled or use remote control of Home Assistant…
It is really annoying. Sometimes I have SniTun server issue, but it seems to go away by it self. I loose remote access every week.
I have hass_Nabucasa and snitun in my logger and here is the case.
At 19.12 I lost remote access (again). Today (21.12) I came to have a look locally whats going on. Home Assistant is working, local UI works too. Here are my logs: