Remote Zigbee Hub - What's the solution?

Hi All !

My setup is the following.
Weekend house with HA running on an RPI providing many Zigbee functions locally using a directly connected USB Skyconnect, alarm system, temp sensors…etc All working fine.

Home. There is a Site to Site VPN between the Weekend House and Home and there are some devices at home also managed by the remote HA from the weekend house.

But now I’d like to start using some Zigbee devices at home also, and obviously the distance is too far (30km) to use any interim device to act as a Mesh repeater.
So I guess I should use a local Zigbee Hub at home preferably with wired connection to avoid interference and which can connect back to the HA through the existing Site to Site VPN.

Any advice for such common, manufacturer independent Zigbee hub which I could use for such purpose and connects to the HA in the weekend house ?

I don’t know what hardware you have available at home, but for testing I configured my router that runs openwrt with ser2net and was able to use zigbee2mqtt on the local network.
I believe you can use it via VPN.

or some adapter with lan connection

Thank you for the hint.
Actually I have an old Dlink Wifi router with OpenWRT on it, which I just have sent to retirement today :)) (Such coincidence)
For now I’m using ZHA on the HA and not the ZigBee2MQTT but I guess you can parallel run both on the same HA (correct me if I’m wrong) .

Anyway I’ll definitely investigate this as an option, thx for the advice.

Yes, it’s just not possible to share the same coordinator

You could use an ethernet Zigbee coordinator like SLZB-06 Zigbee Ethernet PoE LAN USB WiFi Adapter CC2652P | Zigbee2MQTT | Home Assistant | SMLIGHT | SMLIGHT Official Homepage

Then, your home coordinator is on ethernet and should go through your VPN just fine.

As already said, you can’t have both coordinators on ZHA. One will need to be on Zigbee2MQTT.

I am running two of these at my house.

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