Remotely call a HASS.IO update

Long time lurker, first time posting here. Such a great resource, but I haven’t found anything regarding my question.

I have several iterations of HASS.IO running in different friends/family households. It is a bit of a pain keeping HASS.IO updated regularly. I know can do it manually through the the webUI, or cli via ssh/Terminal addon.

I am looking for a solution like a webhook (not that I know much about that) or other remote trigger that could initiate the update programmatically without having to log into each instance to effect the update.

I do all of my automations through Node Red, but can work with yaml if required.

I’m using a Telegram Bot to do that for my installation, but it might be not worth the effort to setup a Bot for every single installation you are using.

Thanks for the response, but it’s not so much the external trigger I am looking for, but how to programmatically trigger the update within HASS.IO without clicking the update button or logging into the cli. I know through node red I can call a service to shutdown\restart HASS.IO, but not update.

I guess you can use an automation and use the status of the update indicator to execute the update by itself.