Remotely executing a Windows exe

Hi All,

I’m running HASS.IO on a RPI3 and would like to know if its possible to run an executable on a remote Windows host through a script or shell command. If so, how?

This project can execute a custom command on receipt of an MQTT message

Hi there,

Thanks alot for the suggestion, but I’m having an issue with the latest build where it maxes my CPU out. I tried a release, which worked, but didn’t have all the required functionality.
Is there anything else one could use?
Seems like I’m at a crux of having to wait for a new build or ask the HASS devs to create a component. (If possible)
Your thoughts… Do you reckon it’s worth pushing?
Funnily, I can’t believe that a component doesn’t exist yet…

Thanks again

If the Windows box is in your local network, I use AntServer (Ant Contrib) listening on a port. I have an antserver running on the PC, with a script to lock the Windows box (rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation). This target script is sent from HA (RPi) via Ant call, when it detects a bluetooth tracker (I have on a key-ring) leaving the room vicinity (of the RPi).

I have the same kind of setup running on my office laptop so when I walk away it auto locks it for me. I’m actually playing with moving this to node-red.

Thanks alot!
I’ve been using WinThing, which seems to work pretty well

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Just stopped by as I was looking for a way to interact with the hueDynamic Pro Windows client which allows CLI interaction on Windows for triggering the great Hue fighting programs they offer and I have HA on my NUC running Debian. WinThing looks like it will be perfect but need to test but so far seems perfect. I am hoping to be able to get the status back from the executed command so the state can be tracked. Thanks for the program drop for WinThing!