Removal of GPIO support

Have you tried the second method: reboot the host ?

Out of all idiotic decisions HA team made and continues to make, this is the greatest one yet. I am out of here, I have to give up on home assistant and transition to node red. I was able to build half of what I needed in NR in a fraction of the time I spend on HA, only to find that with each “upgrade”, something else breaks.

These 6 months long threads where everybody is bitching about the latest breakage and are trying to convince the maintainers not to break things anymore are hilarious if you look at them from afar! :slight_smile:

Wishing you good luck,
One less HA developer

probably the most unpopular decision yet lol, I happened to use all raspberry pins and without them in the logic half of the systems will not function, I have still not upgraded to the version that does not contain rpi gpio, I even prepared the new config, made backups, but feel like this should be started in the morning and not afternoon :)) Home assistant still rocks, we’ll survive this also, I have tried to use it many times in the past but in the last year or 2 it has really taken off, when I saw node-red directly in the same installation I was very happy, more are to be added, as long as it is kept stable and in all I;ve tested it is, then this software will be soon the be-all in home/small business automations, fingers crossed.

It’s just a custom Rpi GPIO integration now. You can use that and not be stuck on some old version.

jumping on that tomorrow, I expect to have to reconfigure all automations, node-red and other places the switches and sensors are used, I kept same name but added unique_ID, I know now it works, but had to read around to be sure and also find the time, I have 200 plans and time and energy for 2-3 yet upset I am not closer to 100 already :smiley:

If you use a custom Rpi GPIO integration downloaded from HACS, nothing changes for you, it’s just a copy of the native integration that has been removed.