Remove annoying FIbaro entities from log/history

Hi There
I have 2 Fibaro souble switches. Both of which have irrelevant entities which I don’t like to see in my home assistant log. I added them to the configuration yaml but still they appear in the log. What am I missing here ? See attached images of log file and conf file.

thanks !


Indent using two spaces.

      - media_player.kodi_openeleclocal

In your example, entities is indented by three spaces with respect to exclude.

Tried that, but even with 2 space indents I am still seeing these nodes in the log file.
How can I debug this ? Is there a way to see any warnings related to the configuration.yaml parsing by homeassistant ?

My logger section now looks like this:

The old entries will still be there in your database until you purge the db. After that they wont show up.

I do have a similar question though, wondering if there is a way to remove unused/uneeded sensors from HA, i know you can hide them but so many Zwave devices generate all these useless sensors.

After making the change and restarting Home Assistant, are you seeing new log entries for these nodes or old log entries?

As mentioned by popo128, the old ones will remain in the database until they are purged after 5 days (or whatever time period you may have set). Alternately, you can stop Home Assistant and delete the database (all entity history will be lost) or you can use DB Browser for SQLite to delete specific log entries. I provided an example of how to do that here.

I am getting new log report by these “excluded” entities every hour :frowning:
Of course I have restarted homeassistant after fixing my indentation.

If you add them to your zwave_device_config.yaml, they will not show up in HA at all.

I use this in mine for a Fibaro Dimmer 2 but can be used for any Z-wave entity you want to hide:

  ignored: true
  polling_intensity: 0
  ignored: true
  polling_intensity: 0
  ignored: true
  polling_intensity: 0
  ignored: true
  polling_intensity: 0
  ignored: true
  polling_intensity: 0
  ignored: true
  polling_intensity: 0
  ignored: true
  polling_intensity: 0
  ignored: true
  polling_intensity: 0
  ignored: true
  polling_intensity: 0
  ignored: true
  polling_intensity: 0

Will try. Thanks !

This solved it !

Hi, there are also online sqlite clients (therefore without installation!) to update sqlite database:

Hello guy, there are also online sqlite clients (therefore without installation!) to update sqlite database:
online sql compiler