Remove preferred thread network after uninstalling OTBR Add-on

I gave the Open Thread Border Router Add-on a try with SkyConnect but decided to use this later when it is more stable and for now continue using my apple thread network.

So I removed the Add-On but in the list of thread networks the “home assistant” network is still there, obviously with no routers, as the preferred network.

How can I remove this network? Are there problems to expect if it can’t be removed?


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With the new version of the IOS companion app I was able to import the apple thread network credentials and choose the apple network as the preferred network. After this it was possible to delete the home assistant network.

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I am having a related weird issue. I also have a redundant network (Google Wifi Nest Pro) that I am no longer using. I have deleted this network (using the trash can icon) on both the PC and companion app. Hy HA thread network is set to preferred on both too. I then go to sync the thread credentials via the companion app and get an error message saying “Home Assistant and this device prfer different networks (device prefers: NEST-PAN-103E).” Then, when I go look back in the thread integration the Google network is re-invented?! Any ideas please?

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I have similar issue with a ‘ghost’ NEST-PAN. In fact, I no longer own the Google WiFi Nest Pro. Have you been able to figure this out?

Yeah this worked a treat for me… Update home-assistant network Thread credentials not possible · Issue #4146 · home-assistant/android (

The step above did not wipe out my preferred “NEST-PAN-####” network (that appears to have come from my now broken Nest Hub). It did wipe out my Wallet Credit Cards as the warning said :frowning:

I had to promote my newly created thread network to be preferred and then delete the NEST-PAN one.

There was more info here

@kg23 how did you end up removing the nest PAN network? I have exactly this issue…I setup a dongle with a OTBR and am still seeing a non working NEST-PAN network with no border routers. I’ve unplugged my nest hub and re-installed the thread integration but I’m still seeing it.

I followed the link you sent but there are a lot of different issues. Any specifics would be super helpful to me. I’ve been trying to debug this for a week. I see you promoted your other network but for some reason I’m not seeing that option…

I’m assuming you don’t want the Nest PAN network, as was my desire. I think I ended up deleting all the thread networks via Home Assistant web and then created a new one using the companion app on my Android phone. I feel like that was the only way to create a new set of credentials.

I have this link in my notes too…

The whole think is very confusing. Sorry I can’t be more clear as it’s been quite a while.

I now avoid updating anything Matter b/c my one Matter mail-slot switch always ends up offline :frowning: