First of all this is not for the faint hearted and definetly not official !!!
Make backups before doing this, and don’t go whining anywhere if you ruin your config !!!
So if you are like me, and like the old behaviour of the sidebar as it was in the good old days, when you had to click for it to appear
And you also want get rid of the annoying “Do you wish to save this password” dialog box after login
Here is my solution:
- go to the home assistant install folder (NOT your config folder)
- find the lib/python3.#/site_packages/hass_frontend/frontend_latest/ folder and find the app.something_that_seems_like_garbage.js (in my case it is called app.062f3bee.js) file
- delete the app.062f3bee.js.gz, and the files
- edit the app.062f3bee.js file and search for “ha-store-auth-card” It should be in line 725.
- delete everything between the two {} marks.
this whole thing:
const e=document.createElement("ha-store-auth-card");this.shadowRoot.appendChild(e),this.provideHass(e)
In the same file search “870”. This should be in line 1217
Mine looks like this
query="(max-width: 870px)"
Change the 870px to 2000px and save the file.
Reload, restart, clear cache, vacuum the floor, do the dishes and after that no more annoying password save, and the sidebar is hidden like it was before.