Remove Tasmota Device

I originally setup Tasmota through the GUI and it found all my devices. However I want to remove one device that has stopped working.

However I am not sure how to do that?

I can only see the ability to disable the device, with no indication of how to remove. Is this not possible?

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This function is behind the three dots menu:


How did I miss that! Thanks so much!

Happy to help. It’s understandable though, because different HA integrations work different and that influences the way how you interact with physical devices. I think there are three ways I am aware of. I hope other integrations will reach the quality of e.g. the ESPHome integration soon.

Ya. I love spending hours rebuilding those ESPHome’s 6 times a month when ever a new version x.x.1 is released. They only take ~15 minutes a piece to rebuild. The 3 BT proxies I use only take about 50 minutes to update all 3… (Core 2 duo running HAOS, not a Pi.)

My 35 Tasmota devices can take a firmware update in less that 5 minutes, total. And i get a half dozen or so of those a year.

Building firmware is not one of my favorite things to do, as you can tell…

And that encryption key to talk to HA, now that’s handy. Love dealing with that thing.

Are you being sarcastic? I can’t tell :slight_smile:
This topic was about the integration of those devices in HA, not their firmware.

Anyhow, it is not at all necessary to update the firmware of your devices with every x.x.1 version! Indeed, Tasmota even urges users to NOT update blindly: Upgrading - Tasmota

That said, it sounds like you run updates for both worlds via Home Assistant. I don’t. Good for you, you found such an efficient way :slight_smile: I run updates only on a per-device basis and only when I am either bored or adding new functionality.

Edit: Regarding ESPHome it sounds like you use the HA Web-Frontend Addon for it. This comes down to personal preference and I do not want to upset any developers, but I find it useless. I do all my ESPHome development in one repo (synched via Github) and flashing/updates on the commandline takes a few seconds.