Remove unit of meassurement from sensor

So i have this motion sensor that is fed viad mqtt unto HA it delivers automatically the following

unit_of_measurement: ’ ’

this leads to the fact that a line chart is being generated which doesnt make sense for a binary motion sensor. i can override once in the dev>states area and remove unit of meassurement. however this is no permanent solution. this will give me the bar chart what i want to achive.

in customize i can only add/change unit of meassurement.

any help?

If it is mqtt you can ignore the discovered sensor on the integrations page then add a binary mqtt sensor manually using yaml. Use the device_class “motion”.

Thanks tom.
Actually it is a tasmota device which is setup via the tasmota integration and fed via matt

Then ignore or disable it in the Tasmota integration and add a manual binary sensor.