Remove z-wave device added many times


I’m trying to solve a configuration problem in my z-wave integration:

Home assistant report that i have 44 devices setted up but it’s not the case, some are added up to 5 times :-/
here’s the integration panel:

I have 19 nodes reported in home assistant z-wave controller which is correct:

but, in devices, some nodes appears many times which is indeed incorrect:

thoses fakes double node are not usable:

They appear in home assistant core device registry:

i tried to stop ha core, delete thoses entries and restart ha core but as soon as the z-wave network start, they come back.

I’ve checked nods on the key using zensystool and everything looks fine.

How can i get ride of thoses?

Reagards - JS

It is probably a multi-channel device. Each endpoint is represented as a separate device in HA. So, quite normal. The devices may not be functional for you, it can depend on the configuration.

I have the same issue but it’s only a recent problem.
Like you I tried to delete them out of the entity registry but they were added back on the next reboot.

In the end I gave up and have just let them sit there.

No they are not: 1st i have mutiple times the same node model and they dont have the same problem
muti device devices create multiple entities.

I’m just going by what is shown in the screenshots, which show multi-channel devices.

In the first screenshot, “Node Name” would be the first instance (root device) of the device and “Node Name (2)” means Instance 2 (Endpoint 1). This is the code that creates the name.

The second screenshot shows the same thing. For example, identifier "zwave, 31, 6" means Node 31 and Instance 6 (endpoint 5). HA creates a separate device for each instance.

I can’t say anything about your other devices since that was the only info posted. Feel free to post your zwcfg*.xml file and we can confirm if it matches or not with what HA is reporting.

Thanks for your help!
Cant post full config as there’s a limit in character:-)

I’ll listen to you and go as it is :slight_smile:

There are several “pastebin” websites where you can upload and share text files.

Here’s a link.

Thanks for your time! Appreciate

Node 10 for example, has this:

<CommandClass id="37" name="COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_BINARY" version="1" request_flags="5" innif="true">
<Instance index="1"/>
<Instance index="2" endpoint="1"/>
<Instance index="3" endpoint="2"/>
<Value type="bool" genre="user" instance="1" index="0" label="Switch" units="" read_only="false" write_only="false" verify_changes="false" poll_intensity="0" min="0" max="0" value="True"/>
<Value type="bool" genre="user" instance="2" index="0" label="Switch" units="" read_only="false" write_only="false" verify_changes="false" poll_intensity="0" min="0" max="0" value="False"/>
<Value type="bool" genre="user" instance="3" index="0" label="Switch" units="" read_only="false" write_only="false" verify_changes="false" poll_intensity="0" min="0" max="0" value="False"/>

So there is a root device (Instance index 1) and two child endpoints (instance 2 and 3). HA will create a device for each of those, as each endpoint may have independent functionality.

Node 18 has more endpoints for Light:

<CommandClass id="38" name="COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_MULTILEVEL" version="1" request_flags="1" innif="true">
<Instance index="1"/>
<Instance index="2" endpoint="1"/>
<Instance index="3" endpoint="2"/>
<Instance index="4" endpoint="3"/>
<Instance index="5" endpoint="4"/>
<Instance index="6" endpoint="5"/>

That would make 6 HA Devices and each with a single Light entity.

Almost all of the Fibaro devices have multiple endpoints, which again are multiple HA devices. If there are any specific nodes you have questions about, feel free to ask.


Many thanks for this clear explanation!