Removed Kodi keeps showing up in logs

I used to have kodi in my home, removed it but the HA logs keep filling up with

Setup of platform kodi is taking over 10 seconds.
Update of media_player.kodi_digihome_local is taking over 10 seconds
Updating kodi media_player took longer than the scheduled update interval 0:00:10

The player no longer exists, I deleted the database and nowhere in any of the config files (even the hidden ones) is there any mention of Kodi…

Any ideas?

I think this is uPNP discovery but I may be wrong

I don’t think so, I used an upnp discovery tool and Kodi is not there… so I opened a bug report for this.

Find my bug report here

UPDATE: a server restart for the server which used to run Kodi seems to have resolved the issue, more info in the bug report.