Removing 1,700 devices (from RFXTRX) through core.* files?

My RFXTRX was set to “Auto discover” resulting in >1,700 smoke detector devices with 8,500 entities.
:slight_smile: Deleting these through the normal device GUI would take too long.

UPDATE 2023: I created an Applescript that removes devices by doing mouse-clicks: Can't remove 100's of RFXTRX devices - delete grayed out - #6 by duittenb

So I thought about deleting them through these files in the /config/.storage/ folder:

  • core.entity_registry
  • core.device_registry
  • core.restore_state

I created a Python script that removes entries containing “RM174RF” from each of these files.

  1. ha core stop
  2. backup 3 files
  3. run script
  4. core start

After HA startup completed both the core.entity_registry and core.device_registry contained the entries I just removed??

How can these items re-appear in these 2 files?
Are they also stored somewhere else?


I have the same question, did you manage to solve this?

Hello @benganellison

Check out this post. I created an Applescript (only working on a Mac) that automates clicks to remove the devices.

For windows you might be able to find similar software.
So far it’s the only solution I found.

Now I want to create something that shows the entity count for the RFXTRX integration and notify me if there’s > 100.