Removing HACS integration causes UI to fail

Github notified me that the auth token was outdated…

…HACS has no mechanism to replace the token short of removing and re-installing the integration. So, I removed the integration and restarted HA…and now I have this:

Now what?

Ctrl-F5 or clear cache

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Also it’s likely because your lovelace is referencing resources that don’t exist once you deleted HACS so you may need to revisit that as well in the .storage files. Do you have a backup?

A backup of what specifically? I can access the .storage folder, but I don’t know what I’m looking for.

It doesn’t appear that HACS was removed from anything. Files and folders are still there…

A HA snapshot or specifically the /custom_components/hacs folder

You could have just removed the integration and then added it back I think before you restarted.

HACS prompts you to restart when you remove it. The /hacs folder is still there in .storage and also in the custom_components folder.

Just because it tells you to restart doesn’t mean you have to - you can just add it back again before restarting. I do that all the time when updating multiple components

The interface needs to be improved. That bit of information isn’t clear in the prompt, and I’m beyond that point now. I have a completely unresponsive UI with a 404 error whether I access it via my public url or private.

Do you know where in the config I can find the internal and external URL designations?

it will be in one of the storage files. Do you have a backup/snapshot???

Hmm…I’m not sure how to manage snapshots if I can’t access the UI.

you can restore a snapshot using the Cli/ssh

Looks like I have a *.tar from March 27th in the /backup folder. I need a better system. :).

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I removed it in Configuration > Integrations and then added it back there as well. I didn’t use HACS to remove itself or re-add it.

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You might have been able to manually edit the HACS config entry in the storage folder to change the token too. I think im going to try that first before i use the nuclear option.

Spun up a new VM, restored most recent snapshot, back up and running in minutes, but I made the mistake of not having a snapshot newer than 2 weeks…so I lost a ton of reconfig that I had done. Problem solved.

all the config files will still be there and the lovelace storage ones as well so you may be ok to restore all those from the old VM should you still have it

I need a better system. :).

If you don’t hate Google this is a handy system:

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I just added this one:

to backup to my Truenas box and then that transfers to AWS S3 every night (well, at least now it does.)

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I suppose I could do that and spin it up again if it fails.