Removing Tailscale - weird issue

Hello everyone !

I started using Home Assistant a few weeks ago and everything worked fine (mostly). Wanting to easily give me outside access to it I installed Tailscale on HA and on my iPhone. Everything worked.

Recently I wanted to give my wife access to it as well but her Android phone wasn’t working well with Tailscale. So I disabled Tailscale on HA and went through the process of setting up DuckDNS and added the necessary http ssl certificate lines in my configuration.yaml file. I also used this opportunity to set up a telegram bot (I don’t think this is relevant to the issue but just in case…).

When everything was set up everything worked fine on my wife’s phone as well as on my computer. In Tailscale my HA box shows as disconnected.

However I am now unable to access HA from my iPhone without turning Tailscale on on it, even with Tailscale not running on HA… this is the only device with this issue. Can anyone help me out ? I’d like to be able to remove Tailscale from my iPhone.

Thanks !

Do you have any other nodes configured in your tailnet that might sertve as subnet routers? AppleTV, NAS, any other server of compluter?
Do you have HA Companion App on iPhone configured for both Internal and External URL?

I only have HA that has the labels subnet and exit node on Tailscale and my iPhone. Those are the only machines there and HA shows as disconnected.

On my iPhone I have the HA companion app set up with my DuckDNS address for both internal and external access.

Strange, I also have Taiscale installed on my iPhone, but it is permanently off. I turn it only if I need to access devices on my network, that are normally not available by other means (like reverse proxy). Difference is that I have Tailscale installed with subnet router enabled on my Sybnology NAS, not as add-on to HA. I tried this some time ago, but it was not working for me. So other way around, I could not access anything else, but HA, when it was installed on HA. So I decided to remove it entirely. Perhaps just uninstall it from HA, instead of just disabling? Not sure how this would help though :wink: