Rename text-value of sensor to display word of own choosing

I have an netatmo weather station, and i want to try to change the pressure trend and temp trend words. The sensor reports “up”,“stable” and “down”, and i would like to change that so it display as “increasing” and “decreasing”. any tips?

Pretty straightforward with a template sensor, I use this one to convert a numeric value onto on or off, but you should get the idea. Put it in the template section of your configuration.yaml file:-

- sensor:
    - name: "Downstairs Bathroom Heating State"
      unique_id: downstairs_bathroom_heating_state
      state: >
        {% if state_attr('climate.moes_trv_downstairs_bathroom_becathermostat','temperature')|int()>5%}
      icon: mdi:thermometer

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I ended up using this:

  - sensor:
      name: "netatmo trend trykk"
      unique_id: "netatmo_trend_trykk"
      state: >-
        {% set d = {
        'up': 'stigende', 'down': 'synkende', 
        'stable': 'stabilt' } %}
        {% if states('sensor.weather_station_pressure_trend') in d.keys() %}
          {{ d.get(states('sensor.weather_station_pressure_trend')) }}
        {% else %}
        {% endif %}
      icon: mdi:thermometer