Renaming per group

Hi guys,

I might be approaching this the wrong way, but bear with me. Say I have 3 motion sensors spread around the house and an input boolean I use to toggle whether or not I get alerts for each zone. What I want to be able to do is have each input appear in the appropriate group from the room:

Group 1 (Living Room)

  • Alarm Enabled

Group 2 (Office)

  • Alarm Enabled

Group 3 (Outside)

  • Alarm Enabled

In each group I’m fine with the device being called ‘Alarm Enabled’. That bit I’ve worked out and have no problem with. What I also want to do though is have a master group allowing me to turn off all sensors. However if I create a group like this:

name: Alarm
- input_boolean.motion_livingroom_override
- input_boolean.motion_office_override
- input_boolean.motion_garden_override

The card displays as ‘Alarm Enabled’ for each input sensor, and obviously in that group I now can’t tell which one is for which zone.

Is there a way I can name the sensor ‘Alarm Enabled’ in one group but ‘Living Room’, ‘Office’, and ‘Garden’ in another?

Anyone? I haven’t worked this out yet :frowning:

hey @Greg,

I had the same issue. After trying several things I gave up and used different label for each so when I group them I know which one is for each room.

Hopefully there’s another way.

You can change the icon for each entity, so you can see at a glance what zone it belongs.
Use customize: section.

Have you tried template? Switch copy?

Check this

 - platform: template
        value_template: '{{ states.switch.wol.state }}'
          service: switch.turn_on
          entity_id: switch.wol
          service: switch.turn_off
          entity_id: switch.pc

@dennisaion That looks like a brilliant suggestion… will check it out when I get back from work later. Thanks!

I’m new here and came across similar requirements. I have about a dozen temperature and moisture sensors and of course, light switches . It would be nice so that when I put them in a group, I can just call them ‘Temperature’, ‘Humidity’, ‘Lights’, etc, but importantly, for the Temp/Moisture, when I see the values in the graphs, I get the full name.

Maybe a feature to add a friendly_name node under the group entity line?