I have several node-red switch entities and I needed to rename one of them to simplify logic / automation rules. I tried to rename it in Node Red, but that did not seem to work. After several attempts, I have a mismatch between NodeRed and HomeAssistant.
The entity_id was switch.steves_office_switch_heat_set_back
and I tried to rename to switch.steves_office_switch_heat_setback
After a few attempts and rebooting HA Yellow, I still do not have the entity synchronised in HomeAssitant:
The first - switch.steves_office_switch_heat_setbackxxx cannot be found in NodeRed - search.
looking at the settings, the delete option is greyed out.
The other two’s settings show this message:
This entity (‘switch.steves_office_switch_heat_setback’) does not have a unique ID, therefore its settings cannot be managed from the UI. See the documentation for more detail.
The documentation there does not seem to match the NodeRed case.
How to clean up?
How to rename a NodeRed created entity in the future ?