Renaming Z-wave entity in entity_registry.yaml makes it not responding in GUI

Hello all

Got a new installation of Hassbian 0.63.2. Starting on from scratch cleaning up my old installation. Got 30 Z-wave devices to configure though and im using a Aeon Z-Stick.

My problem is when renaming the node in entity_registry.yaml. Doing so renames the node but after that I’m not able to change its state from the UI. E.g. a Switch cant be switched from the UI. But when changing it’s state using its hardware it changes in the UI.

Am I doing something wrong here?

The entity registry has introduced some issues. You might also need to rename it using the control panel - but given the Z-Wave issues with 0.62 and now 0.63 I’ve not upgraded my own instance.

Probably you’ll need to raise an issue about this.

Got a solution that works!

Renames the entity/node from Z-wave Configuration section in HA. Removes the old entity from entity_registry.yaml (or remove it completely if working from scratch).