Rendering a dict -- did this change in last release?

I have a template sensor that has an attribute that is a dict which renders great on a dashboard, but it seems like after the last HA update [2024.4.2] I cannot use a dict in the message for a notify service.

I’ve hard-coded the message here to make it clear I’m returning a dict:

      - name: House Locked
        device_class: lock
        state: |
          {{ locked | count != ent_list | count  }}
          message: |
                "Front Door": "Unlocked",
                "Side Window": "Open"

This renders nicely in the UI on a dashboard:


also in the developer view:

I was rendering this in a service call (in an automation), too, but now it’s giving an error:

service: notify.mobile_app_iphone
  title: House is unlocked!
  message: |
    {{ state_attr('binary_sensor.house_locked', 'message') }}

Which now results in:

Error running action

template value should be a string for dictionary value @ data[‘message’]. Got None

I’m curious how the Entity Card is rending the dictionary correctly, and if that rendering used to also apply in templates in a previous HA versions.

Is there something in Jinja to render a dictionary? Or do I need to do something like this?


{% set dict = state_attr('binary_sensor.house_locked', 'message') %}
{{ dict }}
{{ dict|items|map('join', ': ')|list|join("\n") }}

Which results in:

{'Front Door': 'Unlocked', 'Side Window': 'Open'}
Front Door: Unlocked
Side Window: Open


I believe that it needs to be data_template in stead of data in automations.

No, that requirement was removed a couple of years ago. Just data is fine.