Renewed LetsEncrypt - now it's not secure?

I’ve been having a difficult time trying to renew my certificate for homeassistant.

I opened up 80, disabled 443 to 8123, and renewed my certificate successfully. However, when I go to login to HASS through my duckdns address, it shows it as “Not Secure” and the “https” in the address bar of Chrome is marked out with a red slash.

I just wanted to renew my cert and move on, don’t know what I’ve done wrong. Halp.

Try clearing your browser cache it could still have a copy of the old cert being used.

It’s tough to say as I don’t know what guide you used to install your certificate, if you’ve cleared your browser cache, restarted Apache or NGINX (if used), etc.

Try clearing your browser cache and also I suggest you can confirm using this SSL Labs Test.


Just tried to do it again.

Had to wind up removing the forward port of 443 to 8213 instead of changing it to 443 to 443. Made sure everything was in check, stopped HASS, started HASS, renewed the cert, bingo.