Thanks Mark! Works like a champ! Much appreciated!
Did it throw an error if you leave the battery id empty? I can take a look at fixing that if it did.
Awesome, I’m keen for input and help! I’ve only got a limited set of devices so would be good to add more.
Hi Mark,
I only have a bt2 and a dcc30s no batteries.
An error is thrown when I leave out batteri id.
I would be more than happy if you could take a look at this.
Thank you for great work!
Yep, it wants an entry for the battery too, otherwise it wont connect
P.S. : I only have a Renogy Rover 20A connected at the moment
Any news on this integration?
I just emailed Renogy about their API development and some good news they said they’re on phase two of this and that they should be releasing it Q4 of this year!
Hopefully the documentation is good enough that a dev can actually make an official renogy integration.
No word on whether it’s local or cloud or free or paid Etc
That is awesome news - taken years but I’ll be grateful if it works.
I noticed this new(?) AP option in the network options, but no idea how to connect to it or how it works. Anyone else see this?
I struggled with this, I couldn’t get Mark’s integration to work even though I was pretty sure of the controller and battery IDs.
I tried to get the Renogy-BT python library to run natively in home assistant using PyScript and AppDaemon but really struggled with it and gave up.
In the end I am using a Pi Zero W to run the script with a cron job and am running an MQTT server on the original Pi which has home assistant. Thankfully I’ve been able to power the second pi from the first one which has saved me a USB socket!
Just got the invitation from Renogy to test the API on the ONE Core, not sure what to expect.
hey all, check this out
More information on the API for Renogy products.
hey all,
Good news. Renogy just released their cloud API for their Hubs (ONE core and ONE M1). Get your secret keys here:
then install the Renogy Integration Via HACS here:
You’ll have to use the beta versions for now until the release versions.
and you now have all your Renogy devices that connected to the hub, in Home Assistant!
If you find some bugs please report them to the repo.
Thabks to @firstof9 for developing the integration!