Renson Sense


I want to add my Renson Sense on HA.
Anybody know if there are an integration ?

It’s not the same device.
I follow the instructions abd put IP and not nok :frowning:

So i have looked at the traffic to / from the device and looks like there is API access.
Gets a reply as an example in json response.

Does anyone have any documentation on this?

@ronandezyn maybe?

Hi Philip

The Renson Sense uses local communication for configuration but the API is not supported for 3rd party integration. We do have a cloud API but this is (for now) only available to large organizations (e.g. schools) for monitoring purposes. We plan to develop an API portal which will make it easier to enroll, enable and support API access but this for 2025 at earliest. I will ask our product manager for Renson Sense about the local API though. I will get back to you if I know more

All the best


Thanks Ronan,

I’ve managed to sucessfully test the API get request using postman.

XXXXXXXX = device serial number

for Auth you need to use the bearer token.

Keep you posted on progress on intergrating in HA

So quick update, bearer token does expire, im looking at a work around for this.

But i have mange to pull data using this method into HA and create a test dashboard.

Hi @ronandezyn is there anyway of getting the Api key / Auth of you guys? Looks like the SSL is pinned and thats a dragon quest i want to avoid if i can.

The local API for the Renson Sense is unfortunately not public and not supported so until this is the case we cannot support any integration for this product. I did however forward this topic to the product manager to consider for the road map. Apologies for the inconvenience