Reolink AI Motion Detection

I haven’t yet setup a working binary_sensor with the appropriate rest parameters. But, I finally got a curl command to work so I’m sharing it. Chances are someone else has already posted this information.

I submitted the following support request to Reolink:
NVR is sending email for person and vehicle detection as expected. But returns an error [ { “cmd” : “Unknown”, “code” : 1, “error” : { “detail” : “not support”, “rspCode” : -9 } } ]. Why is GetAiState failing?

They responded that I needed to upgrade the NVR firmware to the attached file. They also sent the attached portion of the API documentation.

Here are the curl command and the response:

MBP-wifi:~ jalperin$ curl -s -k -X POST -H “Content-Type : application/json” -d “[{“cmd”:“GetAiState”,“param”:{“channel”:3}}]” “

“cmd” : “GetAiState”,
“code” : 0,
“value” : {
“channel” : 3,
“dog_cat” : {
“alarm_state” : 0,
“support” : 0
“face” : {
“alarm_state” : 0,
“support” : 0
“people” : {
“alarm_state” : 0,
“support” : 1
“vehicle” : {
“alarm_state” : 0,
“support” : 1

Hope this helps someone.

Couldn’t upload a file. The firmware is here:

the API section is here:

Reolink NVR to Home Assistant Issue - #2 by tteck

Thanks, but those are the rest sensors that were failing for me.