Reolink Cameras Have Stopped Working

I’m sure something has changed someplace but I’m not finding it

Its been working for a year but all of a sudden has stopped…
I orginally used this…
as a guide…
In my configuration.yaml :

camera: !include cameras.yaml

cameras.yaml looks like this…

- platform: generic
  name: Front Door
  still_image_url: "http://192.168.X.X/cgi-bin/api.cgi?cmd=Snap&amp;channel=0&amp;rs=wuuPhkmUCeI9WG7C&amp;user=admin&amp;password=<<MyPasswordHere>>"
  stream_source: "rtsp://admin:<<MyPasswordHere>>@192.168.X.X:554/h264Preview_01_main"

Hi, I just tried this and it works right away.
My camera’s are not directly inserted in HA but via Zoneminder and tried this.

Have you restarted your HA?
I have noticed that when the stream is cut off it doesn’t come back by itself but had to restart HA.
Other then this, I cannot help and maybe it’s nothing but you never know…

Thanks Nick…

Yep Ive restarted many times… I reboot HA weekly…

You said

I just tried this
What did you try… my set up?