Reolink Chime set volume in NR

I can make a working automation in HA, but not in NR?

The problem:
I want to make a automation in Node-Red to set the volume of the Reolink Chime lower in the evening. I am able to do this in HA, but when I try to use that information to make the sam in Node-red the entity disappears when I choose an action. The HA automation:

alias: Set Reolink Chime Volume op 3
description: om 21:00
  - platform: time
    at: "17:01:00"
condition: []
  - device_id: 742be324715e7c829dbd9985aa65d9bf
    domain: number
    entity_id: e8a46e9c107856a98e60d0b5c59f1ff3
    type: set_value
    value: 3
mode: single

But I cannot choose an entity in NR:

My guess is something didn’t load right in NR. Try restarting it.

Thanks for the reply!
Thats did not solve the problem. I can select the entity, but the when I select the action, the entity field disappears. Tried other actions (out of the hundred available) but the same with most of them. I can select some where the entity stays available but that are not the ones I need. I don’t understand what happening. Used it for years with no problems and recently things changed and its not working as expected anymore.

In the global context, drill down into the home assistant variable and post the data in homeAssistant. services.number.set_value. You can copy the data by hovering over the entry and clicking the popup.


That was new to me, but found what you asked for (I think):

{“name”:“Set”,“description”:“Sets the value of a number.”,“fields”:{}}

Same outcome when I select the action (and thus no entity selected)

What version of Home Assistant are you running?

Version 2024.8.3

As a workaround you can put the entity_id in the data field.

  "entity_id": "number.volume"

Thanks! I will try that. I have more of these action nodes with no entity I noticed. A simple fan.turn_off is not working anymore on my Xiaomi fan. I don’t know what happened…

Edit: Yes! Your solution is working. It’s not the way it should be, but at least it’s working!