Reolink Doorbell Record Entity seems to do nothing

I have the Reolink Doorbell Wifi setup with the offical Reolink integration.

The doorbell has a Record switch entity:

According to the documentation, recordings should be viewable using the media browser. After turning the Record entity On for for ~30 seconds and then Off, I am not finding any recordings under Media > Reolink.


What location should the recordings be saved to?
Does the Reolink Doorbell Wifi not support saving recordings or is this a bug?

IIRC, the Record button toggles the Record button in the Surveillance settings in the camera itself. Recordings only get stored if you have a SD card in the device AND you either have a motion event or you have the timer set to always record (on a schedule).

With that said, I have plenty of recordings in my Media section, so I definitely don’t think it’s a bug.

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Recordings only get stored if you have a SD card in the device

You have answered my question!
I assumed the recordings would be stored on my Home Assistant device.

Happy to help!

Yeah, Reolinks will only enable the record option if you have a SD connected. There are other ways to record the stream (Frigate, Blue Iris, go2rtc, etc), but to use the official integration to grab recordings, you have to have a SD card in the device.

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