Reolink E1 Zoom and/or Pro in HA

Hi, thanks for the hint. I ruled it out initially as it doesn’t work on iPhone. Will give it another try.

Edited the OP with the automation I have to use to get the snapshot from the E1 Pro, connection-wise for who can provide it a LAN cable I think it is now a much better choice than the Zoom.

Thanks but I personally prefer to have my camera in simple card. Besides, I noticed that I’m getting a few false positives, even lowering motion sensitivity, in particular when rotating the camera when alarm is armed/disarmed, therefore, an eventual entity becomes pretty much unreliable is the plan is to link it to the alarm system.

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alias: Camera Alert - Voordeur
description: ''
  - platform: device
    device_id: e352c3cd58670490ad750b875318b72a
    domain: nest
    type: camera_person
condition: []
  - service: notify.mobile_app_mobiel_dennis
      message: Er staat iemand bij de voordeur
      title: Camera Alert
        image: /api/camera_proxy/camera.voordeur
mode: single
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This is the way I did it @johnflorin , until I saw your post, which works also perfectly fine :+1:

Thanks for the info in this thread. Initially my Reolink E1 Pro image was unusable due to lag in the video stream. However, I tried the suggested webrtc and it works perfectly now. Here is my card:

      - type: vertical-stack
          - type: 'custom:webrtc-camera'
            url: 'rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554//h264Preview_01_main'
    #        entity: camera.loungereolink_profile000_mainstream
          - type: glance
              - entity: camera.loungereolink_profile000_mainstream
                icon: 'mdi:arrow-down-drop-circle-outline'
                name: DOWN
                show_state: false
                  action: call-service
                  service: onvif.ptz
                    entity_id: camera.loungereolink_profile000_mainstream
                    tilt: DOWN
                    move_mode: ContinuousMove
              - entity: camera.loungereolink_profile000_mainstream
                icon: 'mdi:arrow-up-drop-circle-outline'
                name: UP
                show_state: false
                  action: call-service
                  service: onvif.ptz
                    entity_id: camera.loungereolink_profile000_mainstream
                    tilt: UP
                    move_mode: ContinuousMove
              - entity: camera.loungereolink_profile000_mainstream
                icon: 'mdi:arrow-left-drop-circle-outline'
                name: LEFT
                show_state: false
                  action: call-service
                  service: onvif.ptz
                    entity_id: camera.loungereolink_profile000_mainstream
                    pan: LEFT
                    move_mode: ContinuousMove
              - entity: camera.loungereolink_profile000_mainstream
                icon: 'mdi:arrow-right-drop-circle-outline'
                name: RIGHT
                show_state: false
                  action: call-service
                  service: onvif.ptz
                    entity_id: camera.loungereolink_profile000_mainstream
                    pan: RIGHT
                    move_mode: ContinuousMove
          - type: glance
              - entity: camera.loungereolink_profile000_mainstream
                icon: 'mdi:wall'
                name: PRIVACY
                show_state: false
                  action: call-service
                  service: onvif.ptz
                    entity_id: camera.loungereolink_profile000_mainstream
                    preset: '000'
                    move_mode: GotoPreset
              - entity: camera.loungereolink_profile000_mainstream
                icon: 'mdi:sofa'
                name: MEALS
                show_state: false
                  action: call-service
                  service: onvif.ptz
                    entity_id: camera.loungereolink_profile000_mainstream
                    preset: '001'
                    move_mode: GotoPreset


I use E1 Pro with LAN port and most of time the snapshot looks like this:

Any ideas what to do?

Are you using webrtc? I had the same problem as you until I changed to that.

No, it is with HA ONVIF integration. I had previously unstable work of WebRtc integration and difficulties with https access to it.

What code do you use to generate the snapshot, can you show us? Also, you’re sure the camera is not moving during/near the moment the snapshot is being generated?

How webrtc can help to make snapshot? I just can show live video, isn’t it?

camera variable contains camera entity_id:

          - service:
              title: "Camera"
              message: "Photo"
                  - url: >
            {{ state_attr(camera,'entity_picture') }}

Even if I see the picture via browser with such url I see corrupted picture.

This is how I do it, taking a pic first and then sending it, can you see if this works for you?

I got MotionEye fully working for motion detection & notifications today, so I edited the guide for anyone who also wants this functionality :slight_smile:


Is there any command to make the camera zoom?

What integration did you use for it? ONVIF?

Thank you for this procedure.
I wanted to try this E1 camera but unfortunately it seems that both ONVIF and RTSP are not available.
I tried adding it on VLC, Surveillance Station, HA Onvif Integration, but none of them can connect.
Reolink apps (desktop and mobile) are working well, but that’s it.
I don’t understand what I did wrong, maybe someone has an idea ?
Note: I did not even tried to shut down outgoing connections yet (usually, this is where things start to not working anymore, but I’m not even there !)

Do you have the E1 or the E1 Zoom or E1 Pro? This guide is not for the E1, unfortunately.

Well, that’s it … I thought that there were only 2 models, the Zoom and the Pro
There’s is nothing on the box except ‘E1’ which is the 3MP 30$ model sold on amazon, so from your answer I guess that’s a mis-buy :slight_smile:

Hi all,

I just need some confirmations / guide on setting up Reolink E1 Pro.

I just bought a couple Reolink E1 Pro’s based on feedback and reviews on internet. I’m now reading more into the details of setting up and integrating E1 Pro with Home Assistant. And I 'm getting a bit worried.

I’m not sure anymore if these functionalities are available (through Home Assistant) for E1 Pro:

  • sensor exposed, for motion detection
  • services for eg activating or deactivating the camera’s (eg if I’m at home, the camera’s should not record; if I leave (presence detection), the camera’s should be activated: motion should trigger the recording process)
  • notification (best through Home Assistant) when motion is detected.
  • move to predefined preset locations

Please confirm these requirements work.