Reolink e1pro ptz error

i can view the web cam, but using the following script:

      alias: test!
      - service: camera.onvif_ptz
          entity_id: camera.reolink4mp
          pan: "LEFT"
          tilt: "NONE"
          zoom: "NONE"

generates the following error:
RuntimeError: Cannot be called from within the event loop

any idea?

That exclamation mark might be part of your problem.

it isn’t - i’m having the same error using service call:

Did you get this figured out? I am still trying to figure out how to view my reolink e1 pro in Home-Assitant.

Nevermind I figured it out.

I added it using onvif integration it worked great!

Hi, Can you provide me with what you put in the config file to setup this camera. thanks. did you get plz to work also?


I used the ONVIF integration. I entered the IP address of the camera and the onvif port which was 5000, in my case. Then entered admin as the username and the password I setup in the app.

What about ptz. Did you get that to work out too.

Hi! For anyone coming here, as I did, mine worked using this:

Example of picture-glance card:

- type: picture-glance
        camera_image: camera.reolink_e1pro_livingroom_profile001_substream
        camera_view: live
          - entity: camera.reolink_e1pro_livingroom_profile001_substream
            icon: mdi:arrow-down-drop-circle-outline
              action: call-service
              service: onvif.ptz
                entity_id: camera.reolink_e1pro_livingroom_profile001_substream
                tilt: DOWN
                move_mode: ContinuousMove

It does not work if you do not use the ContinuousMove and I’m not sure if you can do both pan and tilt at the same time.