Reolink Failed to connect

I have RLC-810A camera and it gets detected. On configure I enter user and pass and I get this error:

any idea what could be wrong? In the logs I see:

2023-05-09 22:35:28.559 ERROR (MainThread) [reolink_aio.api] Host API error: API returned HTTP status ERROR code 500/Internal Server Error.

Exactly the same issue here, works on the app but can’t get it into HA. Did you find a solution since?

I have this with my Reolink Floodlight device only, cameras are setup just fine.

Any thoughts/solution in the meantime?

It started to work then, I don’t remember what I did. Maybe next release of HA fixed it,

I’m still getting this issue…
Did you just input your NVR IP address? no port number and unticked enable HTTPS?

any update on this? I have the same issue.