Reolink + Google Home streaming = buffering

Hey all,
I recently got a reolink NVR and have managed to get my IP cameras into HA.
I’ve also made the camera’s available within Google Home via Nabu Casa.

However, when trying to stream the camera’s on the google hub, I get constant buffering (I assume its buffering). It pops ups with the playback controls with “Playing smart home camera”.

I’ve tried using ffmpeg with RTSP and RTMP. I’ve tried the generic camera component. I’ve tried the high quality and low res camera streams.

No matter what I try, I’m still getting buffering on my hub.

I’m on a pretty good wifi network (AC 5Ghz, etc), and my network and internet speeds are generally pretty good.

Can I assume that because this is working via Nabu Casa, the stream is getting to the google hub via the internet, and not locally over wifi?

Any help please?!

Same here with foscam cameras, never managed to got it to work…

Let me know if you find the issue…

What I have done now , is removed the stream: component, created a template switch with on/off service to “cast” the live view to my Google hub…

So I say like , turn camera xxx on/off …
Casting works without buffering…

It’s the play_media service…

I would use the camera integration, it’s nicer offcourse, but the buffer is an issue

My guess is also indeed, that the upload of camera goes to Google first, that’s creating the low upload speed…

While play_media is all local

     friendly_name: Camera Boven
     value_template: "false"   
       - service: media_player.play_media
           entity_id: media_player.google_hub
           media_content_id: !secret google_camera_boven
           media_content_type: "image/jpg"       
       - service: media_player.turn_off
         entity_id: media_player.google_hub

Sorry for the delay, I basically have been putting this off for a while. lol

For media_content_id… could you give me an example of what you have here please? Is it an external URL?

No, I use rtsp streams, or if you have motioneye, you can use the https links

I’m trying to use my rtsp streams for “media_content_id” but I can’t get it working.

Could you give me an example of what your’s looks like please?
And is media content “image/jpg” or “video”?

Ok, will do later

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i used the ones below, both work
from motioneye OR synology SS
rtsp://syno:[email protected]:554/Sms=3.unicast

Its strange, the little chromecast icon pops up on the display, but no video.
Its a reolink NVR.

Here is my data:

entity_id: media_player.kitchen_display
media_content_id: ‘rtsp://xxxxx:[email protected]:554/h264Preview_01_main’
media_content_type: ‘image/jpg’

x= username
y= password

Hmm, no idea… Does the link work in Lovelace?

All my camera’s work in lovelace, with the onvif integration, and also with generic IP, using the same rtsp link.

have you setup an internal_url to an local IP? if yes, try without it
i have setup my internal url to my nabucasa url

Nothing set in internal/external URL.
I’ve also tried the internal URL with the nabu case url. Still not success.

hmm, then no idea anymore

Loopback nat! Your router needs this feature.

It seems Loopback was removed from my routers firmware several revisions ago.

Is there any other way around it that you know of?

Swap router. TPlink archer C6!

Literally just upgraded to the ASUS AX88U.
Ah well.

I’m thinking to switch to AX58U. Is your AX88U working well with other smart home devices? I have couple of Sonoff, Xiaomi gateway, foscam camera, Broadlink and Google Home.

Just want to know the latest AX series router works well with HA ecosystem.