Reolink Integration: Disable Update entity - where?

Hi Guys,

I recently stumbled upon following Log message:

Error fetching reolink.Reolinkcam2.firmware data: Error checking Reolink firmware update from Reolinkcam2, if the camera is blocked from accessing the internet, disable the update entity

Since I blocked the Internet access to this (See Screenshot), the message makes totally sense.
To prevent further ERROR-Messages in my logs I tried to find the “updater” entity.

Therefore I viewed all Entities of the device and could not find anything related to it:


Did I miss something out? Thanks in advance!

I would think that ‘Firmware’ in the configuration panel with the large icon would be it, ‘Unavailable’ does not translate to ‘Disabled’.

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This makes sense - I was only looking for a binary switch to turn this off or on - im going to try to disable that entity…im gonna report if this was the solution.
Thanks for your eyes!

Was this the solution to prevent messages about firmware updates?

Looks promising, didnt get another errmessage yet. So it could have been this.
I have marked the Message from @RickFurtado as solution.