Reolink Snapshot is B&W in Overview but color in Device Preview - help!

This is a head scratcher:
I installed a REOLINK Doorbell WiFi Camera and added the Reolink IP NVR/Camera Integration to HA. When I check the Fluent Snapshot or the Clear Snapshot in the Integration Preview, the image in in Color.
But when I added it to my HA Overview page, it shows up in B&W!

Integration Preview (cropped):

Overview page image (cropped):

Here’s my ui-lovelace.yaml:

            # Front Door Doorbell Camera
          - type: picture-entity
            entity: switch.front_porch_lights
            camera_image: camera.front_door_video_doorbell_snapshots_fluent
            name: Front Door
            show_name: false
            show_state: false
            aspect_ratio: "16:9"
            fit_mode: fill
              action: toggle

Any Ideas?


Ok, so this is related to the state of the entity. It’s B&W if the switch is off, and color if the switch is on.
How do I override this so the camera_image is always color?

Hi lianyu,

First I don’t know the answer, same problem with B/W in the HA panels,

My question is what switch changes this in any way. knowing that should lead to an answer. Mine don’t change.