Reolink Video Doorbell with Standard Electro/Mechanical Chime Guide

not yet but very interested by the results

I purchased yesterday from AliExpress, so it might be a cpl weeks before I report back. I’ll update if it works or not.


I havent had time to play with it yet, but I did receive it. Doesnt seem like theres an easy way using esphome. There is a lib using the nrf905 but specifically fort some sort of fan controller. When I have more time I’ll try and play with esphome and nrf905.

For now, its Arduino IDE and nrf905 lib. I will update when I start playing with it.

Another alternative to the MHCOZY device that doesn’t require any re-flashing to work as a 7-32V relay is this zigbee option on aliexpress. I can confirm that the 7-32V version runs just fine on my 16V 30VA doorbell transformer. The default mode for the NO relay is even a very-doorbell-like momentary switch with what seems like about a half-second on period. This means I didn’t even have to program any on-off delay logic to mimic a typical doorbell press. I have the V2 chime, so I could not verify whether the supposedly included 433mhz receiver works. Nothing related to the 433mhz radio is exposed in HA so presumably one would have to use the Tuya app to access those, if they’re available at all. In any case, thanks to @Technowizard for this thread and the very helpful wiring diagram so that I can use my existing chime with the Reolink doorbell.

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How does the zigbee module get the trigger from the doorbell? Is it through the reolink Hass add-on?

I have a temp solution setup using an esp32 and a 5v relay to control the doorbell chime after being triggered by the reolink add-on visitor sensor. There is a substantial delay though.

I haven’t had time to try and make something work using 915 MHz transceiver. I’m assuming there is some sort of pairing process, which probably means some sort of keys and possible key rolling.

I have been thinking of using what another user posted: esp32 in the doorbell chime and sense when the speaker gets current.

@baudneo-- yes, I use the Hass Reolink integration. Interesting that yours has a delay. Mine is virtually instantaneous. Here’s my doorbell ring automation code:

alias: Doorbell relay on press
description: ""
  - trigger: state
      - binary_sensor.reolink_doorbell_visitor
    from: null
    to: "on"
conditions: []
  - action: switch.turn_on
    metadata: {}
    data: {}
      entity_id: switch.doorbell_relay_switch
mode: single

It’s because I have mine setup as a Hass automation rather than importing a Hass sensor to the esphome device to work with. Going to give the other method a try, if it’s instantaneous, I won’t need to crack the chime open.

Thanks for that!

I have the V2 chime with the Video Doorbell POE I got. I was also wondering about the situation of intercepting the 915 MHz signal and ringing the existing doorbell chime. Looks like no one has sorted that out.

It’s also looking harder to run POE to where I need it than I’d hoped. I think I’m returning the unit I got before the return window expires.

I wish the POE model could be optionally hardwired and work with an existing chime like the Battery Video Doorbell apparently can. The Battery model doesn’t provide RTSP for the doorbell video. This makes sense since it may be running on its battery all the time, even with charging from the LV AC.