I have a problem, I have had the Reolink Doorbell for the past week and a half. The Poe version in this case. When I add the official integration all sensors are added. Motion and Person Sensors work well, but the visitor sensor won’t work. Everything works fine within the Reolink app, so it’s not the doorbell’s fault.
I think the visitor sensor is actually the most important of the whole doorbell.
Same issue with the WIFi doorbell Visitor always shows up as off. It never shows an on event. I was setting up an automation and realized it never reports the button press as on state.
I was able to fix my issue with not getting updates on the entities.
I used a SSL certificate confured in HA and that way I could only access HA with httpS://domainname.something
I have found that the doorbell could not access throught httpS so I have changed my setup to use NGINX Proxy Manager to use SSL and so my setup is accessable through HTTPS from the outside and over HTTP through from inside. That fixed my issue.
Also be sure that the interal address is configured at the Network section of HA. In my case (with Ziggo router) I need to use the IP address of HA instead of homeassistant.local. Because Ziggo only deploy their own DNS on the inside DHCP.
Is there no other way than to disable HTTPS? I would like to continue using HTTPS for my internal resources. Besides, browsers are moving away from HTTP more and more.
Strange that the motion sensor works with HTTPS…
EDIT: Ok, I found a workaround for now. I have enabled the “Last Notification” sensor in the Home Assistant app on my (Android) phone. When someone rings my doorbell, I get a notification from the Reolink app on my phone with the text “Visitor from NameOfDoorbell”. This is also the sensor text in Home Assistant and it’s the trigger for my automation.
If there is a way to fix the visitor sensor with HTTPS, that would be great.
I got another solution: I picked up the 433MHZ from the doorbell to my chime with my Sonoff RF bridge. Now I made an automation with that. When somebody presses the doorbell, my Sonoff RF will be triggered and HA sends an mp3 file to my mediaplayers.
This is more reliable and faster than last notification.
The problem I was having was that the “visitor” sensor would go on with the press of the button, but then it would not go off. The only way I could get the visitor sensor to clear was to create an automation that reloads the integration 15 seconds after the button press.
Has anyone found a real fix for this yet? I’ve followed the instructions of various people here who said they fixed it (enabling HTTP, removing the HACS integration and restarting, etc) but I’m still not able to get the Visitor sensor to work properly.
This is my history/logbook over the last 24 hours, but I’ve tested the doorbell several times yesterday which don’t show up:
HomeAssistant 2023.4.5 is now released, which includes the fix for the ONVIF push messages not always comming through. @smenzer please try HA 2023.4.5, and let me know if you still have problems.
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@anon12659957 I would advice everyone still using the custom JimStar/reolink_cctv integration to switch over to the build in reolink integration, it now offers more features, has everything the JimStar integration has (except for the media browser to view back old recordings), and the build in integration has a lot more bugs and issues fixed so it should be a lot more reliable. It also auto detects issues and will report them to users as repair issues with instructions how to solve the problem.
Hi @starkillerOG I have the Reolink PoE doorbell and followed everything in this thread but none of the Motion, Person or Visitor sensors are working. I used to use JimStar/reolink_cctv where it didn’t work either but based on your recommendation above, I removed JimStar version and installed the integrated one again.
HA is internally reachable via http/port 80 (I use reverse proxy). I enabled http/80 on my doorbell. What else need to be done?EDIT: Amazingly your inregration had indeed the “Repairs” that suddenly popped up. Turns out that the Doorbell is in a different VLAN and port 8123 was not reachable from that. Works now, nice, thank you!! Just to make sure, HTTP need to be enabled for BOTH HA and the Doorbell?
Also, just curious, 1-2 months back when I installed my doorbell, I also started with the integrated version but everyone kept saying it would be out of date and I should use JimStar version. Has this changed?
And finally, the media browser integration would be absolutely amazing. Is this planned for the integrated version? (Note, it sadly never worked for me in the JimStar version…)
@dydx Glad to hear it is now working for you!
Actually in the doorbell setting you only need to enable HTTPS, you do not need HTTP.
On the HomeAssistant side HTTP is needed, the local HA URL needs to be HTTP not HTTPS.
Actually the JimStar reolink-ip library did not receive any updates since Jan 2023. In comparison my reolink-aio library (build-in integration) has had 244 commits and 28 new version releases since Jan 2023.
See Releases · starkillerOG/reolink_aio · GitHub vs Releases · JimStar/reolink_ip · GitHub
At this point I can confidently say that the build in integration supports a lot more entities/features and is way more stable with lots and lots of small and major bugs fixed that are still present in the JimStar version.
Yes the media browser is the only thing not yet supported in the build in integration but is implemented (in a way I don’t like code wise) in the JimStar version.
There is work currently beeing done on getting the media browser included here: Question about media platform. · Issue #9 · starkillerOG/reolink_aio · GitHub
Also noticed this with my Doorbell Wifi on the inbuilt Reolink integration. Specifically the visitor detection stopped working. Restarting HA solved it for me.