Reolink webhook URL unreachable

With every reboot I’m getting the “Reolink webhook URL unreachable”-error and I don’t know what I should change.

The error:

Reolink webhook URL unreachable

Did not receive initial ONVIF state from Voordeur. Most likely, the Reolink camera can not reach the current (local) Home Assistant URL, please configure a (local) HTTP address under “Home Assistant URL” in the network settings that points to Home Assistant. For example where is the IP of the Home Assistant device. Also, make sure the Reolink camera can reach that URL. Using fast motion/AI state polling until the first ONVIF push is received.

The information instructs me to set the Home Assistant URL, but I’ve already set it:

The camera integration doesn’t work either after the reboot, but when I restart the Integration it’ll show the camera feeds. I’m running the latest version of HA:

Home Assistant 2023.7.3
Supervisor 2023.07.1
Operating System 10.3
Frontend 20230705.1 - latest

My Reolink DUO PoE is running the latest version

Firmware Version v3.0.0.1388_22100600

Any suggestion/help would be much appreciated.

Same issue here for the last few days. This message did not occur before with the same integration set up, Some regression has appeared. My camera showing this symptom is a C2-Pro with latest available FW. I also have a RLC-822A which does not trigger this message. Both cameras are installed and recognized in both Onvif and Reolink integrations.

Any resolution to this? facing the same issue on my Reolink Duo POE Floodlight

It has resolved itself, currently running:

Core 2023.12.3
Supervisor 2023.12.0
Operating System 11.2
Frontend 20231208.2