Repeated Unexpected errors

I have recently reinstalled HA on HA green which I have not been able to do since a recent update. I did this by connecting directly to my modem as it would work any other way. Since then I have tried to reinstall a couple of Github custom items ie Alpha ESS and Weatherlink both of which wont accept the APIs. Is it possible that my TP Link AX5400 router is blocking the HA Greens internet access/ Any other ideas would be much appreciated.
Cheers Kevin

Check the ip configuration of the Green, can you paste the details? Do the same with a device connected to the TP Link. Also, check the logs.

Hi again I have attached copies of log and TP Links client list I hope thats what you are requesting as I am pretty much new to all this.
Thanks for your interest

No logs present in your post. Just add them as text :slight_smile:

Sorry HA Log for Alpha ESS reads:
AlphaESS Energy Storage System update turned off

5:34:27 PM - 2 hours ago

AlphaESS Energy Storage System update became unavailable

5:34:27 PM - 2 hours ago

AlphaESS Energy Storage System update turned off

4:21:08 PM - 3 hours ago

AlphaESS Energy Storage System update became unavailable

TP Link Client List:
Device Name MAC Address Assigned IP Address Lease Time

Davis weather station 00-1D-0A-01-07-E3 1:30:31
DESKTOP-6R1PQ9J 40-A8-F0-40-A3-17 1:52:11
homeassistant 20-F8-3B-00-C1-E7 1:25:19
Kevin-s-S22 5E-D3-66-C9-39-6E 1:24:4
Alpha ESS BC-97-40-00-AD-7D 1:54:22

Hope that helps

Just add the relevant bits as text. No need for a screenshot of the client list, just type the ip configuration of the Green and a random device on the TP-link (your laptop for example?)

And the IP details of the Green?

I beleive the IP for HA Green is

So it’s not connected straight to your modem then? What ips are listed under DNS on the Green? You need to check that in the HA GUI.

Can you advise where to find that screen please.
Got it but its all grey and shows external access disabled

Settings → system → network

Got it but its all grey and shows external access disabled. How do I enable it

Settings, System, Network as @fleskefjes just posted

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Don’t worry about external access for now, is there nothing listed in the DNS settings?

Actually it seems okay see below
Host name
The name your instance will have on your network

Configure network interfaces



IP address
Gateway address
DNS Server



IP address
Gateway address
DNS Server
Home Assistant URL
Configure what website addresses Home Assistant should share with other devices when they need to fetch data from Home Assistant (eg. to play text-to-speech or other hosted media).
Access from anywhere, add Google & Alexa easily
Local network
Use the configured network settings

Seems correct as far as I can see, you can try adding a DNS server (Cloudflare for example), save the settings, do a reboot of HA for good measure and see if that helps with the internet access.

Added Cloudflare no problem rebooting now. Maybe internet access is not the problem but??

Yeah, seems that the issue is something other than internet access, at least your ip settings looks good. I don’t use Alpha ESS and Weatherlink so I cannot help you there.

Thanks for your help I learned a bit more so will try again
Cheers Kevin

Hey Fleskefjes I don’t know what you/I did but somehow the WeaherLink intergration is now giving me access to the data and hopefully Alpha will as well.
Cheers and thanks again