With the latest update, a change was introduced with the weather.forecast(s)
I’m getting the message that the old is used in scripts and automation. However, I’m unable to track down where it’s being used. The only weather integration I’m aware is on the dashboard. I could not find any reference in any script or automation… Is there some option on how to sort out where it is being used? I spent several hours trying to find it… it’s really annoying.
This is the lof message… but it does not tell me where it is used.
This warning is related to upcoming change in how the weather integrations should communicate with HA (removing forecast attributes, these needs to be pulled from integration separately). So it is not related to where it is used, but the fact that you have weather integration installed, that does not follow (yet) rules for future design. What weather integration you use? Lets check if for this particular integration there is some progress on adopting to new standards.