It is a real pain to update firmware on Husbzb-1 my Z-Wave door locks don’t pair well with S2 and my attempt at the Zigbee upgrade is functioning but not reporting version. While I have found info about upgrading both sides firmware it isn’t clean and at least Z-Wave take opening the case and shorting a tiny connector on the chip. I also heard that the hardware in the SONOFF stick was better. Am I going to need two devices or should I attempt the firmware upgrade (does anyone do it as a service, cost?)
What do you advise? I am currently running the current supervisor/core on a RPI4b. While I wait for my yellow to arrive, then only Zigbee will be an issue I hope. Who knows when yellow will arrive.
I use the same stick. Wound up getting the Sonoff zigbee stick and moved all zigbee devices to it. Its more stable.
Still use the Husbzb-1 for Z-wave. Dont have any issues with the Z-wave.
I also use the husbzb-1 and updated both sides of the firmware.
Zigbee side was easy.
The zwave side seemed scary at first, but there actually another pin you can short on the other side of the board thats significantly bigger and isolated from the other connectors. I didn’t have to solder it either, just held it on the contact for about 30 seconds at each step that calls for it. To be honest, the hardest part for me was getting the case off lol.
David, I guess then I have the hard part done. Where is this giant contact? I updated the ZigBee side and it seems functional but I didn’t get a response back confirming new version.
So the contact is TP28. It’s a round pad that you can use any wire to touch the point with and ground it on the other end with the metal part of the USB port.
I agree that the instructions could probably be better. I did the zigbee side about 6 months ago, so I dont remember the details exactly, but I remember that it did require some trial and error to finally get it to work. Sorry I couldnt help much further!
I never did any upgrade on it. It works as it is for over a year now handling around 30 devices for now. I use aquara and sonoff smart plugs as routers and I have zero issues with my zigbee network.
I bought it from ebay