A newbie to Home-Assistant and will like to migrate my application from the MQTT (mosquitto) and python control logic to HASS and I really don’t know how to begin.
I have arduino(s) that receives all instructions and collects all the necessary data from all sensors and publish such information to the broker.
A python script is subscribed to all the topics and upon getting such topics triggers a sub process that handles the calls. If it’s a topic that requires further action then the new process access a dictionary to see the action that it’s to take and inturn publish the required action and where another arduino that is to perform the action gets it’s information, carries out the action and then publishes back a result, and the circle continues. This is a very simple and extremely effective system.
From what I have gathered so far, I’m to create the MQTT Broker Component on the config.yaml which will have a trigger assigned to that Component and this will have some Conditions (optional) and then Actions follows. Am I correct with this if not please help with clarification?
Is it possible for HASS conditional logic to access a python dictionary? If so kindly point me in the direction to get such an information.
If not can it access a db (postgres)?
Is the home assistant able to trigger sub process so that I can effectively utilise the CPU cores?
If there are similar topics that have answered my questions I will really appreciate if I can be pointed in the right direction.