Replicate Google Home Wake/Sleep lights with HA not working

Hello to all,

I am seeking for some help with an automation i try to build in the LED strip of my aquarium. My intention is to have the lights slowly brighten at 3.30 PM for 30 min and slowly dimming at 11:30 for 30 mins.

The controller i use is a cheap on purchased from Amazon (link below if more details are required) which i am able to control with flux_led:

I built the following automation:

alias: Aquarium Wake up
description: ''
  - platform: time
    at: '15:30:00'
condition: []
  - service: light.turn_on
      entity_id: light.aquarium_night_light
      transition: 1800
      brightness_step_pct: 6
mode: single

However, when i run the automation, the light turns on at 10% brightness and stays there indefinitely.

Then, for the dim automation i tried something similar:

alias: Aquarium sleep
description: ''
  - platform: time
    at: '00:00:00'
condition: []
  - service: light.turn_off
      entity_id: light.aquarium_night_light
      transition: 1800
      brightness_step_pct: 6
mode: single

In this case, again the lights remain on and seems the transition is not working.

I have the same lights connected with Google Home via Magic Home Pro and when i say “Hey Google, sleep/wake the aquarium night light” it works on both cases.

What am i doing wrong in my automations? Also, could this be possible with scenes? I have a different scene that should start at 3:30 PM and different at 12:00 AM.

Thank you very much
Kind Regards

You need to define the tatget brightness in the action instead of brightness_step_pct. The brightness_step_pct is used to in/-decrease the brightness a single time.

Dim lights to 0%:

  - service: light.turn_off
      entity_id: light.aquarium_night_light
      transition: 1800
mode: single

Dim lights to 100%:

  - service: light.turn_on
      entity_id: light.aquarium_night_light
      transition: 1800
      brightness_pct: 100

Did you not get any error in your logs?

Hi Burningstone,

Thank you very much for your input! Actually i didn’t check the logs for errors but i managed to solve this issue by installing assistant_relay using this video:

Now i actually automate the command i would normally speak to my Google Nest Mini 2 with home assistant.

Additionally, it now opens more doors to automate other commands i use google home for!

Thank you very much for your input though!
With kind regards