Report state callback function, Philio Pan06 gen5


I have setup some Philio pan06-1b (gen5), it seems that the report back function is not “optimal” when changiing the physical switch. This seems not be able to report multichannel so it cant report individual state of this dual relay at the same time.
As I understand it you have the choice that it will report that “something” has happen on relay 1 or 2 or only 1, or only 2.

It sets up switches where switch 2 and 3 is the relays and switch 4 is the reported state. so switch 4 goes on if relay 1 or relay 2 is flipped.

like this =)

i manual flipp both relays to “on”,


switch.badrum_switch off node_id: 6
switch.badrum_switch_2 off node_id: 6
switch.badrum_switch_3 off node_id: 6
switch.badrum_switch_4 on node_id: 6

State is reported back that one or bot of the relays is activated as seen on the value of switch 4.

tried to do some polling at least to have some sort of workaround (conf below) but that seems not to work.

usb_path: /dev/ttyACM0
polling_interval: 15000
autoheal: true
ignored: false
polling_intensity: 1
ignored: false
polling_intensity: 1

So, does anybody have a solution of above or a super great workaround or should i just skip the dual relay and just use it as a single (bad but at least I know the state on one lamp…)

Conclusion, I would really like to have some help =)

ps. running


Some small update, seems that the settings in the conf.yaml doesn´t kick in so doing the same but with the gui does activate the polling.

So maybe another aproach could be to use the event to trigger a custom poll if switch id 4 changing (so remove "unneccessary polling).

Ended like this for time being,
An automation and a script.

  - alias: Scan lacking report state - zwave
      - platform: state
        entity_id: switch.badrum_switch_4
      service: script.rescan_bad_zwave

    alias: Refresh non reporting zwave
      - service: zwave.refresh_node
##Refresh Badrum Philio pan06##
           node_id: 6

As I only have two of these I think it´s not the end of world to do as above.

It’s an old topic, but still actual. I bought a couple of these and discovered that I did not get a state report back when switching physisal. Documentation says there is an option to configure whet switch should report using parameter 31, however the options ins de Home assistant UI differ from ZWave JS. In Zwave JS I could select either:

Selected Relay 
1 Relay 1
2 Relay 2
3 Relay 1+2

in Home Assistant parameter 31 only gives these options:

Send Report from endpoints

It still is a bummer that these devices cannot report both switches individually

Why not adding the service in the automation like this btw?

  - alias: Scan lacking report state - zwave
      - platform: state
        entity_id: switch.badrum_switch_4
      - service: zwave.refresh_node
##Refresh Badrum Philio pan06##
           node_id: 6