Repository: NotoriousBDG Add-Ons (Node-RED, HA Bridge, and Gogs)

@NotoriousBDG Fixed. NR UI does not seem to like .local but the UI is OK with it. Go figure.

    title: 'Node-RED Flows'
    url: ''
    icon: mdi:nodejs
    title: 'Node-RED Dashboard'
    url: 'http://hassio.local:1880/ui'
    icon: mdi:nodejs

Odd. Glad you figured it out :smile:.

I’ve been running it with SSL and DuckDNS and it’s worked through several upgrades and at least one Node-RED update. The only quirk I have is that I had to make a hosts file entry on my Windows box for, but that (or the lack of) doesn’t affect Node-RED starting up automatically–it’s just needed for the left panel Node-RED link to work.

Here’s my add-on’s options, fwiw…

  "ssl": true,
  "certfile": "fullchain.pem",
  "keyfile": "privkey.pem",
  "users": [
      "username": "myadmin",
      "password": "mypassword",
      "permissions": "*"

And configuration.yaml code:

    title: 'Node-RED Flows'
    icon: mdi:nodejs

I think it may be emulated hue or Google home. My config is a mess, time for some housecleaning, I’m thinking

Thanks for that, I’m going to mess with it tonight!

I was able to get node-red setup. very helpful, thanks.

i am using the approach taken here:

to control HA from automations in node-red. it has been working reliably

Are there other approaches?

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I’m not familiar with the flow you posted. Check out node-red-contrib-home-assistant (node) - Node-RED, it appears to be easier to use to me.

this may be a noob question: but how do i install the NPM within hassio? can i just SSH and run ‘npm install node-red-contrib-home-assistant’ ?

You can install it by clicking on the hamburger in top right corner of the IDE, click on Manage Palate, click on the Install tab, search for node-red-contrib-home-assistant, then click install.

I just checked in another update for the Node-RED addon that fixes the issue with node-red-admin reinstalling every time the addon starts (thanks @Geoff_Brown for reporting). I’ve also added authentication support for HTTP nodes, which includes the Dashboard UI, that @samrat3star requested.


Nice, updating now. Thanks NBDG!

For anyone having problems with Node-RED seeing entities while using SSL…

The “node-red-contrib-home-assistant” pallette doesn’t seem to work with SSL setups. It would be great if this did work, as it looks like you can select entities from drop-down menus. Anyone have this working??

The “node-red-contrib-home-assistant-ws” pallette does work, but you need to enter entity names. Wildcards are accepted.

Thank you too… Just Updated works well but one thing is still not there… login is there but no logout… now once logged in it stays there… any person using the pc can oprate the system… maybe i might be missing any options to set please tell me if any thing I might have to do to set it right… but … reallly really… thank you for this!!!

It works fine for me, but I use Nginx to provide SSL on port 443 and connect Node-RED to port 8123 which does not have SSL enabled. I’ve never tried pointing it at the SSL port, so I can’t speak to that part. The dropdowns auto-fill for me.

I never could get node-red-contrib-home-assistant-ws to succesfully connect to my Home Assistant, which is why I use node-red-contrib-home-assistant. Granted, I didn’t try very hard to fix it since node-red-contrib-home-assistant worked the first time.

AFAIK, Node-RED doesn’t offer a way to logout for HTTP nodes. I’d suggest submitting a feature request to the Node-RED team.

I use DuckDNS and LetsEncrypt with I’m not able to reach the web ui. Is there something special that needs to be done when going this route?

If you have SSL enabled for Home Assistant, you’ll have to enable SSL for the addon to get it to show in an iframe. BTW, which addon are you referring to?

Yeah, that probably would have been important information to include. I am trying to use Node-Red. To access HA I use When I try to use node-red, it goes to Do I need to forward that port also?

If you’re trying to access it from the internet, then yes, you’d need to forward that port. If you’re just accessing it on the same network, you shouldn’t need to expose the port to the internet.

I am on the same network when trying to access. From the addon options screen I click the Open Web UI link and it goes to From there I get a “Site can’t be reached. Refused to connect” error. I’m sure I’m missing something simple here. Should I just go the iframe route? Appreciate the assistance.

Ah, gotcha. I assumed you were talking about iframe. Are you able to access it at http://IP:1880 or https://IP:1880 if you’ve enabled SSL? If you can, my guess is that is resolving to your public IP and there is an issue with NAT loopback on your router.