Repository: OctoPrint

This is the last part of my system log:
18-04-29 17:13:03 ERROR (SyncWorker_8) [hassio.docker] Can’t start addon_774437fd_octoprint: 404 Client Error: Not Found (“linux runtime spec devices: error gathering device information while adding custom device “/dev/ttyUSB0”: lstat /dev/ttyUSB0: no such file or directory”)

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Then the printer is not discovered by some reason, there may have been a change that I’ll need to adjust for. I’ll have to set up my Pi and printer in order to debug, which I’m unable to do the next few days.

Just to check, is the printer connected and on?

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Yes, the printer is connected and turned on. I have unplugged the USB webcam also. I have also tried plugging into each of the 4 USB ports and restarting Home Assistant, getting the same result. I have looked at the folders that are created in Samba, and I did not see anything created for Octoprint.

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I was wondering if you have had the opportunity to set up your Pi and printer to debug the issue that I discussed in April.

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I’m working on that right now, sorry that it’s taken so long. I think I’ve found the issue, but am trying to make some more improvements (such as specifying device) when I’m anyway working on it. Best case I’m able to upload a new version by the end of this weekend, if I’m able to correct the (currently broken) build script.

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I’ve now pushed an update which I believe should work. I haven’t tried printing, but I verified that it starts and that I can change tool temperature.
Except for making the addon start again, it should also allow changing to other devices than /dev/ttyUSB0, but I haven’t been able to try that since I need another serial device to connect.

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Thank you very much for the update. I just installed it and I am able to connect to my printer. I am currently configuring OctoPrint and installing plugins. I am connected to /dev/ttyACM0.

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Has anyone tasted this with the new HassOS?
I tried but get the following no matter what USB port I use.

Connecting to: /dev/ttyUSB0
Changing monitoring state from “Offline” to “Error: Connection error, see Terminal tab”
Unexpected error while connecting to serial port: /dev/ttyUSB0 SerialException: ‘[Errno 13] could not open port /dev/ttyUSB0: [Errno 13] Permission denied: ‘/dev/ttyUSB0’’ @ (hook default)

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Sorry, I’m a bit busy and haven’t been able to try it yet. Tried installing HassOS now but my Pi 3 refuses to connect to my WiFi. It will take a few weeks before I have time to try it properly.

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Thank for the reply.
I haven’t been doing much printing lately, so not much of an issue, Just thought I’d check to see if I messed up the setup which i always a possibility :slight_smile:

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Sorry, I haven’t had time to look at this. But it’s not your setup, I’ve encountered the same problem.

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I’ve added an Octoprint Dev addon, which should at least start. There are still things to adjust, but might be worth to try out (please provide feedback).


Hi. Thanks for the work you’ve put into this so far. Sadly with the current version of home assistant after adding your repo the addons don’t even show up.

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“arch”: [

to the config in the repository seems to fix that issue. Should I do a pull request?

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Sorry i don’t know anything about the Add-on but i don’t know if your aware but Octoprint is now a component in Home Assistant so you don’t need an Add-on.
Welcome to the community.

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Sorry, I’ve stopped using my current printer (not reliable enough), so I haven’t tried to run this in a while.

Feel free to make a pull request, I should be able to setup everything to generate a new image.

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That component is good for integrating with Home Assistant, but that is actually a different thing.
This Add-on instead runs OctoPrint itself, so you can use the same device for both Home Assistant and OctoPrint. And when that is running you can use the component you provided a link to :slight_smile:


Is there currently any way to get this working? I really want this solution, as I think it is a waste if I have to buy another PI, when one would be enough…

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Thank you for describing this, I’ve updated the config and it now appears in the Add-on list. Containers have not been modified, I just realized I need to create a container for armv7 for it to even install on my Pi3+.

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Another update: Images for armv7 are built (failed for version ‘octoprint’, I’ll have to look at that at some other time). I also added a “slim” version which may work (no CURA, no camera support).
Note that I haven’t tested it with a printer, I hope they still work properly.

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