Repository of apps?

Is there a repository or index somewhere one can search and share appdeamon apps and scripts ?

There is a github topic:


accept the github topic that @eifinger mentioned its not there.
but plans are there to create a github where people can upload app, plugins, custom widgets and custom skins

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This is the topic that was started -

There are some things there, but I’m sure that not everyone is using it.

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Cool. Once I realized appdeamon seem to be the only way to actually parameterise and reuse automations I thought it was be excellent if there was some kind of repository or even if possible to reuse something like pip for these ?

i was exploring the option to use it with pip, but that creates some problems.
for apps thats no option at all, because they can only work inside the config area.

that was also a part of the holdup.
i think i need to let go of that and people just download files from a github to the needed directories.