Repsol Luz y Gas - Custom Integration



I just published a new integration for Repsol Luz y Gas

See details here:

This integration is based on the one developed by @bzzoiro, but adapting it to be multicontract, multihome and incorporating async methods, UI configuration and adding new API sensors, aside form other improvements.

You can comment here on any questions or doubts. For technical issues and improvements, please post on Github.


Hi, everyone,

For all of you that might be following this integration, I just released an update integration with several changes:

  • Revise logics to enable CUPS data and Contract Type
  • Revise the sensor details to include:
    • Add Device info for each contract, including details on Contract Type and CUPS, plus House ID
    • Use Home Assistant core units (EUR and kWh)
    • Rename sensor to include CUPS
    • Update Unique ID coding
  • Revise Config Flow to include CUPS on contract selection.
  • Add logic to prevent adding the same contract multiple times.
  • Add Spanish translations to Config Flow
  • Update English labeling on Config Flow

You may find the release on HACS or here:

Hi, everyone,

New release to address the Multicontract capabilities and segregate data for each contract.

You may find the release on HACS or here:

New major release, including several updates:

  • Code cleanup
  • Add SVAs queries from API
  • Add new SVAs device for each house
  • Add SVAs sensors, in preparation for further developments
  • Import headers as constants
  • Add HOUSES_URL for new SVA sensors
  • Preparation for next releases and new contract detail sensors

More info:

Hi, everyone,

Fresh release, including new sensors for Virtual Battery for all of you with PV installations and this type of contract. More info here:


Hi, everyone,

Probably you already saw, but just so you know, there is a new 1.2.1 release:


- Add new sensors for ELECTRICITY Contracts:
  - Contract Status
  - Energy Price
  - Power Prices (Punta y Valle)
  - Power
  - Tariff