Request for deezer streaming services

Request component for HA guys
deezer streaming services

Thanks .Refael

Please provide details of what you want and if there is any API/library that is available for someone to use.

The API seams very easy to access -

Unlimited Access, without stress, without identification. Deezer Simple API provides a nice set of services to build up web applications allowing the discovery of Deezer’s music catalogue.
You may use ordinary HTTP GET messages. The base URL for each API method looks like the following

Query quota
The number of requests per second is limited to 50 requests / 5 seconds.

Requests format examples


Resurrecting an old thread - I am not a programmer by any means, do you know how I might go about implementing this?

Hi Lukenn,

I’ve not touched the topic since the initial post.
In the meanwhile, i’ve set some automations with webradios URL’s and acchieved a multiroom audio like

once changed radio selection , it starts playing the selected radio on the selected speaker with the current volume.
once change volume, it changes volume for the selected speaker(s)

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Hi, to reheat the issue a bit. I took a look at the API and sadly you can not get streams via Python. You would need to use their Javascript SDK.
Sadly I am not that familiar with Python to know how to integrate Javascript and make it a working component.

Maybe someone skilled enough will pick up the topic :wink:

Just to comment that Deezer is still something I would love to have.

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