Request for official inclusion (outside of HACS) of the "IntesisHome (with config flow)” integration in Home Assistant

I would like to propose the official inclusion of the Home Assistant IntesisHome (with config flow) integration in Home Assistant. This integration is a fork of the original IntesisHome integration and allows local control of compatible air conditioners via HTTP and WMP (IntesisBox), as well as cloud control for IntesisHome, anywAir, and airconwithme.

Currently, I am using this integration locally, and it works perfectly.

Currently, the developer of this integration is seeking a new maintainer as they have not owned any Intesis devices for several years and no longer have time to contribute to the project. In their README, they mention the following:

“This project is seeking a new maintainer, I haven’t owned an Intesis device for many years, and no longer have the time to contribute to this project.”

The integration can be found on GitHub at the following repository: jnimmo / hass-intesishome.

Since the original developer is unable to continue maintaining the integration, I believe it would be beneficial for the community if Home Assistant officially adopted it. Additionally, I propose adding support for shutdown timers, a feature available in the official app (formerly known as IntesisHome, now AC Cloud), which is not currently implemented in the integration.

I am confident that official inclusion would improve the experience for many users who rely on this integration to control their climate systems. I am willing to collaborate in any way possible to help move this process forward.
If needed. I can provide the models of my modules, as the older ones did not support local control, which could help with the official inclusion process.

Thank you for your consideration.

Hello Enrique,

This is a request for a change to existing Custom Integration, not a change to Home Assistant so it was removed from Feature requests.

I do hope that you find someone to help with the Custom Integration and it would be nice to see in Core, but the post is a question about a Third Party custom Integration and currently not related to HA directly.

Baby Steps, Friend.


You’re right, it seems I’ve mixed two topics into one. Currently, Home Assistant already has an integration for IntesisHome that works through Intesis’ cloud. However, the integration I mentioned in my proposal allows for local control of compatible devices via HTTP and WMP, which would be a valuable addition to the existing cloud-based integration.

My proposal is not a request to create a completely new integration from scratch, but rather a suggestion to enhance the existing one (or add a local control option) to make it officially available in Home Assistant. The current integration is a custom option that some users find useful but isn’t officially supported, so I believe it would benefit the community if Home Assistant adopted it officially.

Thank you for your understanding, and I am available to provide further details if needed.

Thank you for your attention.

Hi everyone,

I’ve been using the intesishome integration via HACS to control my air conditioners. Unfortunately, I’ve learned that the current developer is no longer maintaining this integration. This is concerning, as the integration relies on cloud functionality and displays warnings in Home Assistant logs about potential future issues, such as the following:

2024-12-10 16:20:43.058 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.frame] Detected code that calls async_forward_entry_setup for integration intesishome with title: intesishome_local IS-IR-WIFI-1 (DEVICE_xxx) and entry_id: xxx, during setup without awaiting async_forward_entry_setup, which can cause the setup lock to be released before the setup is done. This will stop working in Home Assistant 2025.1, please report this issue.

The integration is critical for managing my air conditioners, and I’m concerned about losing functionality with future Home Assistant updates. Additionally, the reliance on the cloud is less than ideal, as I would prefer a local solution for better reliability and independence from external services.

Current Setup:

  • Device: IS-IR-WIFI-1-v2
  • Home Assistant Version: 2024.12.1
  • Installation Type: [Docker]

If anyone has experience with IntesisHome devices or could offer guidance on creating a local integration, I’d be happy to collaborate or provide additional details about my setup.

Thank you in advance for your help and support!

Hello @Sir_Goodenough,

I totally agree with Enrique and I truly believe that HA should consider adding the Local Control to the current IntesisHome Integration that works through Intesis’ cloud. I am afraid but it is not reliable at all as it gets disconnected very often.

The local control works like a charm and as Enrique has mentioned, I also believe that the HA Team should look at the Custom Integration (GitHub - jnimmo/hass-intesishome: Experimental fork of the IntesisHome integration for Home Assistant) and natively add the extra functionalities that the custom one has.

Until I have found the Custom one, I have not been able to rely on the HA to turn On/Off or Automate my AC.